Rhetorical Analysis

Rhetorical Analysis

David Muhieddine


Professor Crohn & Dalton



Rhetorical Analysis #1



The comic book, Ms.Marvel: No Normal, is aimed to attract and appeal towards young adults and typical marvel fans who express their interests in graphic novels. This particular  novel was written by G. Willow Wilson, a muslim woman who wrote this for the purpose of inspiring young muslim females. With this being done, G. Willow Wilson violates the classic superhero trope by making the protagonist a young Paki-American female who is granted powers from Ms.Marvel and grows as a dynamic character. This comic book is very interesting because there is a sense of uniqueness regarding the background of the protagonist and her family. With Kamala Khan being a young muslim female and developing superhero qualities simply goes against the stereotype of being a superhero. Moreover, throughout comic books and marvel movies, superheros and/or protagonists seem to typically be all-american or of white background. Thus, mass attention is drawn towards the context of the novel simply because of Kamala Khan being a Pakistani-american.

All in all, Ms.Marvel: No Normal possesses a “coming of age” theme primarily because Kamala Khan learns to overcome the obstacle of having a culturally-oriented family that puts a strain on her growth as a dynamic character. Throughout the novel, Kamala Khan struggles to find her true identity and the combination of managing school, her family-life, and her social life all together. Furthermore, the message conveyed in Ms.Marvel: No Normal is that ethnic background, religion, gender, or age does not determine whether someone has the ability to save the world or to save people in aid.


David Muhieddine


Professor Crohn & Dalton



Rhetorical Analysis #2

Chapter 2 of SIWBI


The fictional novel, Soon I Will Be Invincible, appeals to comic book readers and fans of fantasy and fiction. The author of this particular book is Austin Grossman, a video game designer who utilized his skills into composing literature and story-making. With his background in video-game designing does explain why there is a great incorporation and use of technical gibberish solely through the point of view of Dr.Impossible. In addition, the book provides two narratives/ perspectives. It is very interesting to see how readers can be in the perspective of the protagonist and antagonist through every chapter. The novel, Soon I Will Be Invincible, has such unique character development.

Throughout the second chapter of the novel, the message that is being conveyed is the struggle of having to discover your true identity, and how it is hard to find your purpose of life throughout your teenage years. Within this chapter, Fatale described her life in Brazil and how she was formed into a cyborg because of a horrific accident. Moreover, despite Fatale having being far more physically and mentally superior than humans she does possess many flaws within her personality and how she views herself. Thus, the book violate a common superhero trope of them always being so confident and perfect with themselves. As for Fatale, her flaws basically show how she connects to human nature and how she always had the desire to blend in and not be an outlier.   

David Muhieddine


Professor Crohn & Dalton



Rhetorical Analysis #3

Cochlear Ear Implant


This particular article, “Lauren Ridloff’s Quiet Power: ‘My Life Has Changed in Every Way”, written by Michael Paulson, is about a deaf woman who discovers a sense of talent within the field of theatrics. Although, based upon the writer’s tone and choice of words, some may deem this article as a bit offensive towards the deaf community. Throughout this editorial, Michael Paulson provides a constant emphasis to Lauren Ridloff’s disability and how it causes certain limitations to communicate with others.

The primary message of this article is to boost the popularity and to spread awareness of the play “Children of a Lesser God” because of Lauren Ridloff’s presence in the show. Another message from this article is to simply boost awareness of how a person could overcome their disability throughout life as it is.  




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